Rink Policies
is our policy to maintain a well regulated public facility, operated with emphasis on the safety and good conduct of our patrons. Our rules and regulations are firmly and fairly enforced to provide a safe and pleasant experience for all. By entering our building you agree to abide by all rules and regulations.
Rollerskating is a strenuous and fast-moving sport. Because of the normal risk of maintaining balance on skates, and the probability of occasional contact between skaters, accidents can and do happen. You must voluntarily assume the risk of injury when you skate. If you are not willing to assume that risk and responsibility, please do not skate here.
- To prevent damage to our floor, your personal skates are subject to inspection. Toe stops or dance plugs are required for skates with this option, and inline skates should have brakes installed. Be prepared to rent if your skates are dirty or damaged.
- No smoking in the building, and no smoking on the property by anyone under age.
- No gum chewing in the building by anyone.
- No In and Out privileges. If you leave the building without staff approval, you may be subject to a re-entry fee.
- No weapons, illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises. Anyone appearing under the influence may be denied admission or asked to leave the building.
- No food or beverage may be brought in to the building, with the exception of a birthday cake WITH a scheduled party package ONLY.
- No food, candy, or drinks may be on the skating floor or consumed over the half-wall along the floor.
- We reserve the right to charge admission for everyone entering the building, with the exception of children under 3 who are not skating and parents who are not skating but are accompanying a paid child.
- Lockers/checkroom use is required. Coats and shoes are not permitted in the Snack Bar area and should be checked in. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items, so act responsibly regarding your valuables.
- Foul language will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion from the rink.
- Neatness and cleanliness of all patrons is required. No clothing that could be considered distasteful to our active family environment will be allowed. This includes but is not limited to short shorts; belly tops; strapless, backless or very low cut tops; saggy pants; and revealed undergarments (including through ripped or torn clothing).
- No bare feet. Socks are required for skate rental. We do have socks for sale.
- Helmets and other protective gear are permitted but not provided.
- No long/loose clothing that might get caught in the wheels or trip the skater should be worn.
- Anyone who does not practice safe skating may be asked to leave. This includes, but is not limited to: Pushing, tripping, playing tag, skating too fast or faster than the flow of traffic, skating in a manner hazardous to other skaters, jumping/spinning/dance skating (unless done during a jam skate). Management reserves the right to determine what is allowed for each session.
- No stopping along the wall. Skaters must attempt to keep moving in the appropriate direction at all times.
- No sitting on or climbing over the half wall or corners surrounding the skating floor.